Members of GSFA:
We look forward to holding our business meeting during the 50th Annual Firefighter Recognition Day. As the last two years have shown us, flexibility and adaptability are necessary when navigating current times. This year’s Recognition Day will look a bit different. The Capital Building is not currently open to outside group’s events and we determined that using an outdoor plaza for the ceremonies would be a gamble due to weather conditions. The solution was determined to combine the Recognition Day ceremonies with the Legislative Dinner on Tuesday evening.
Prior to that, GSFA will hold the first session of our Annual Meeting, have a presentation from Bearers of the Oath by Shane Bentley, swearing in of fire marshals, and a fire service Unification Partners’ Meeting. These events will take place at the Georgia Municipal Association Offices located at 201 Pryor St. SW. There is limited parking available there, but several public parking lots nearby. On Wednesday morning, GSFA will hold a second session of our business meeting.
Due to multiple agencies being on travel restriction due to COVID or staffing issues, the inability of our bylaws provide a fair and well represented election electronically, and fairness issues if a candidate or potential candidate cannot attend due to the current circumstances, the Board has voted to not hold the election for Board positions during the business meetings. We want to use the time that we meet to discuss the elections process, how to conduct a fair election, and to form a committee to research and review any identified challenges, ideas, or solutions for future elections and present back to the membership any potential bylaws changes to be presented at the fall conference Columbus?.
If anyone cannot attend or does not feel comfortable attending, the meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday will be broadcasted virtually. We do ask that if you attend in person, that you respect the wishes of those you interact with concerning masking and social distancing.
Board of Directors
Georgia State Firefighters Association